The Taanab Harvest – Week 2

Week 2

The Taanab Harvest event has entered its second week!

  • Players who travel to the Taanab Arcon Multinode Hybrid Plantings can speak with co-op president Bukrom in person, who will give players details.
  • The Taanab Harvest is a four-week event, with each week introducing a new phase with new missions, loot, and escalating danger.
  • Quest givers have a new set of missions for Week 2 as the harvest continues, with Norulac predations rising and the farmers racing against time to combat the threat.
  • Kari Saarek needs volunteers to whip militia recruits into fighting shape by taking them on patrols around the hex farm.
  • Jaa Haruss needs brave players to investigate reports of Norulac activity across Taanab.
  • Vinon Daivik is looking for travelers to track down contacts who may provide the Taanab farmers the materiel they desperately need to fight the Norulacs…for a price.
  • Special note: Vinon Daivik’s quest cannot be repeated this week.
  • Completing missions for a co-op leader will provide a single-time, unique prize, in addition to harvest coins. You can only earn one of these unique prizes per week. (I.e. if you earn Kari Saarek’s unique mission prize, you cannot earn Jaa Haruss or Vinon Daivik’s prize for this week!)
  • NOTE: Solia Maduel’s quests are disabled. Maybe next year.

EiF Patch Notes 09/03/2024 – Taanab Harvest, Week 1


  • The Taanab Harvest event has begun!
    • Players who travel to the Taanab hex farms can speak with co-op president Bukrom in person, who will give players details.
    • The Taanab Harvest is a four-week event, with each week introducing a new phase with new missions, loot, and escalating danger.
    • Work for three different co-op leaders – Kari Saarek, Jaa Haruss, and Vinon Daivik – to help the Taanab farmers in their attempts to protect themselves from the predations of the Norulac pirates.
    • Completing fifteen missions for a co-op leader will provide a single-time, unique prize, in addition to harvest coins. You can only earn one of these unique prizes per week. (I.e. if you earn Kari Saarek’s fifteen mission prize for the first week, you cannot earn Jaa Haruss or Vinon Daivik’s prize for week 1!)
    • NOTE: Solia Maduel’s quests are still disabled.
    • Special note: Vinon Daivik’s quest requires Surveillance Binoculars, introduced as a new craftable with this patch.

Empire and Remembrance Day Event

Join the community on Empire in Flames for this year’s celebrations of Empire Day and Remembrance Day! While once a commemoration of the foundation of the Empire, Empire Day is now also a day for loyal Imperials to mourn the loss of their Emperor. For the former members of the Rebellion, what was originally a day to honor soldiers fallen in battle in Remembrance Day now also celebrates the New Republic’s founding. Whether you fight for the Empire or the New Republic, players can listen to speeches, tear down or put up propaganda posters, and race across Endor or they can group up and join the PvE and PvP battlegrounds. Completing objectives will award you Empire/Remembrance Day coins, which can be used to barter for rewards including new schematics, air-speeders, and decoration items that haven’t yet been seen on the server. Unlike other holiday events, Empire Day allows you to participate in as many events as you want, as many times as you want. This means you can grind out all the coins you might need in the course of a couple of days, or take your time and earn them over the course of the event.

This year, Empire/Remembrance Day starts on July 2nd and will run the entire month of July. Head on over to Kuat City on Kuat (for Imperials) or Hanna City on Chandrila (for NR) to get started.

Once you land at your respectively-aligned city, talk to your Event Coordinator for a quick run-down about the holiday, and the types of events available to you. Each Coordinator also has a BB-unit that you can speak with to check your Empire Day or Remembrance Day Coin balance, as well as redeem your earned coins for the available rewards.

Speak with Ingri if you’re NR, or Wulf if you’re Imperial.

Amidst the decorations and troops gathered in celebration, a handful of other NPCs are scattered about that will have more information on quests or activities you can participate in.

Continue reading

Seven Years of EiF, and the road ahead

Today officially marks the anniversary of An Empire in Flames server. Seven years ago today, EiF launched with hopes, dreams, and a lot of crazy ambition. It was designed with a core tenant in mind – “what is your ideal server?” That answer, to Lead Developer Halyn and a cohort of scrappy friends, was something that took all the great design elements from Live and made it better for PvE, PvP, and Roleplay players alike… with a side of weird.

It sounds somewhat generic, but it truly has been the guiding star for all EiF related content in the seven years since launch. The EiF Staff has grown and expanded since May 4, 2017, but that design goal has always been the same and the team always seeks to challenge themselves on just what is possible in the world of Star Wars Galaxies. While it would be a long read to list them all, some notable features that originated on EiF were feature improvements like additional player character races, combat balancing; brand new content in the form of unique PvP invasions, instances and world bosses, Jedi unlock system, and seasonal events; and weird adds like weapon holstering, holocomm, and skulking.

While the last year has been rather busy in real life for the staff, and as a result somewhat quiet for development, EiF is still committed to moving forward and providing our players with not only fun, but “the weird stuff”. In the near future, we will be finally unveiling the long awaited Mandalorian Enclave, which will open up new weapons, armor, and content for those interested in the path to become a Mandalorian. After that, we have plans to release a new instance – the “sequel” to the Plasma Mining Facility instance. Once those are out the door, focus will pivot primarily to Jump to Lightspeed. There are still a lot of technical issues to address before we will see JtL on EiF, but we’re committed to making it happen. We will also be replacing the server which EiF runs on – which should solve a lot of the lag and rubberbanding issues that have been plaguing gameplay. And in between all that, we’ll always find room for the weird stuff – smaller additions alongside other improvements. 

Thank you all for being part of this journey, and thank you for joining us for seven years of EiF. Here’s to many more!

EiF’s 7th Anniversary Begins!

To celebrate seven years of An Empire in Flames, mayors across the galaxy are hosting celebrations within their cities. Check out the event schedule below!

Upcoming Events:

Sunday 28 April – 3pm ET
Dantooine Destruction Derby – Eventide, Dantooine

Mount up and take out the competition in walker on walker combat!

Sunday 28 April – 8pm ET
Aurora Beach Bash – Aurora Beach, Corellia

Enjoy the sun, sand, and sky-gliding! Races, gambling, and more!

Monday 29 April – 7pm ET
Festival of Glad Arrival – Verdant Valley, Naboo

Races, live music, lottery droids!

Tuesday 30 April – 8pmpm ET
New Destalon Grand Prix – New Destalon, Naboo


Wednesday 1 May – 7pm ET
Da Munchen Classic Podrace – Mos Gunga, Tatooine


Thursday 2 May – 7pm ET
Bantha Racing – Andor Outpost, Tatooine

Take to the dune and race on bantha-back!

Friday 3 May – 8pm ET
Bridgefest – Broken Bridge, Corellia

Bridgefest returns with fishing and fighting!

Saturday 4 May – 4pm ET
Sulphur Hills Dragway Special – Alexandretta, Lok

Drag racing and gambling!